Kreem Tank Prep - Tank Wash & Conditioner

Regular price $41.99

ORIGINAL KREEM TANK PREP - Tank Wash & Conditioner

KREEM FUEL TANK LINER is designed for use as a preventive maintenance product in metal tanks new and old; containing gasoline, gasohol, or diesel. KREEM TANK LINER has a unique formulation with an extremely rapid set-up that prevents leakage from hairline cracks and seam pinholes by coating the tank's inner surface with a fuel resistant elastomer. Not for plastic tanks. KREEM is NOT compatible with all fibreglass tanks. You must spot test before use. Read the Kreem brochure for detailed application instructions.

Storage & Handling:

Store product at 60-80 degrees for maximum storage life. High temperatures reduce normal storage life. Lower temperatures cause increased viscosity of a temporary nature. Rotate stock on a first in - first out basis.

Surface Preparation:

It is critical that the inside of the tank has an oil-free surface without rust to ensure proper adhesion. We recommend Kreem Tank-Prep Kit A & B, our two-part system for rust removal and metal etching.

  1. Wash out the tank with hot soapy water. If the tank is badly rusted and has loose flaky rust add stones or nuts and bolts and agitate to remove the loose rust. For new tanks, it is important to remove the oily protective coating. An industrial-strength detergent or a commercial degreaser/cleaner like KREEM new Tank Cleaner/Degreaser, acetone, M.E.K. should be used.

  2.  After completing Step 1, and to obtain maximum adhesion, the surface rust should be removed and the metal surface etched, this can be accomplished by using Kreem Tank Prep A & B Kit, or some other acid-based rust remover that also etches metal. Repeat if necessary until all rust is removed.

  3. Rinse the tank with water until all traces of Tank-Prep A (acid etch) are removed. Drain out excess water. Using Tank-Prep B (acetone or M.E.K.) rinse thoroughly removing trace amounts of water. CAUTION: these chemicals are flammable. The tank is now ready for immediate coating.

How to Apply

  1. Shake or stir well before use. Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Stop all outlets except fill spout.

  2. Pour Liner into the tank and coat the entire inner surface by slowly rotating the tank in all directions. When all surfaces have been completely coated, a generous excess should remain. Let tank stand for 8-10 minutes with spout open, then close spout and slowly rotate tank allowing excess to re-coat all surfaces. Let the tank stand for an additional 8-10 minutes with spout open, however, this time on a different side. Repeat this until the tank has the desired coating. Do not allow the coating to drain to one area and dry. Drain off excess coating for later use.

  3. Drain any excess, remove all stops and allow to air-dry in a well-ventilated area for at least 24 hours. A nozzle from a low-pressure air compressor blowing lightly into the fuel spout and out another opening will greatly reduce setup time.

  4. For extra protection, air-dry first coat for 6 hours or longer and repeat step 2 of the application process.

Quantity Required

For small tanks (1-5 gallons) use one pint liner. For larger tanks, use one quart per 20 gallon of tank capacity. If the tank contains baffles, be sure to consider the increase in surface area. For spraying or brushing thin with methyl ethyl ketone to desired consistency. Remove the tank from the vehicle, remove any valves and petcocks, and stop all outlets.

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