The PCM X MotoStuka gloves have landed and we couldn't be more excited! We love these gloves so much that every one of our team members bought a pair for themselves the moment they landed!! The same handmade MotoStuka Shank gloves (info below) that have been loved the world over and sought after for years. But these bad boys have something extra special. They have been hot-branded with Canada's favorite motorcycle lifestyle shop!
"Coal Shanks start out as high-quality, American-made gloves. At the MotoStuka studio, they undergo the “treatment”. “Shanked” and finished out with waxed thread, they’re then conditioned with a balm made of locally sourced natural materials. This age-old recipe waterproofs the leather and gives it a distressed rich copper finish. All our dyes are hand mixed by us, so every glove is unique in color and feel, but ALL get more beautiful with every mile!"
100% Made In The U.S.A.